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Insufficient milk, paste and paste OEM processing

时间:2024/7/24 7:58:42 点击:

With the increasing understanding of correct maternal and child knowledge, more and more people realize the importance of breastfeeding. Breast milk is a natural and irreplaceable nutritional supplement for infants. Breastfeeding has the advantages of improving infant immune function, preventing diseases through nutrition, enhancing mother infant relationships, and promoting maternal recovery. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), in order to achieve optimal growth, development, and health, infants should be fully breastfed for the first 6 months of life, consuming only breast milk, starting with complementary foods other than breast milk at 6 months of age, and continuing breastfeeding as much as possible until the age of 2< br>

More interaction between mother and baby is the foundation of breastfeeding

How to ensure sufficient breast milk is the most concerned issue for mothers. Many mothers try their best to drink soup, take milk medicine, and have their nanny massage, thinking that all methods have been exhausted, but breast milk is still insufficient. Little did they know, postpartum mother and baby sharing rooms, on-demand breastfeeding, early contact, early sucking, early opening of milk, ensuring a happy mother's mood, and sufficient sleep are the most important measures to promote lactation

Early contact, early sucking, early opening of milk. Whether it is natural childbirth or cesarean section, mothers must ensure that the baby comes into contact with the mother's skin within 30 minutes after delivery. The baby lies on the mother's chest to search for nipples and starts sucking, stimulating the nipples and reflecting them to the cerebral cortex to promote prolactin secretion. This simple contact is the most important stimulus for mothers to secrete milk in the future. At the same time, early sucking can promote the release of oxytocin from the hypothalamus, stimulate uterine contractions, and reduce postpartum bleeding; It can enhance the baby's sucking ability, as the baby's foraging and sucking reflex is strongest within 1 hour after delivery, which is the best time to strengthen the sucking reflex. Due to the presence of defecation factors in colostrum, it can also promote the excretion of fetal stool and reduce the occurrence of neonatal jaundice


Mother and baby in the same room are together 24 hours a day, with no more than one hour of separation per day. Many mothers, in order to ensure that they can rest well, entrust their children to elderly or postpartum caregivers outside of breastfeeding. This practice significantly reduces the success rate of breastfeeding. When mothers are with their babies, watching their cute appearance and listening to their crying, these visual and auditory senses are transmitted to the mother's central nervous system, promoting the secretion of breast milk, reducing mother's anxiety, and enhancing mother child relationships

Many people understand that breastfeeding requires on-demand breastfeeding, but it has two concepts: one is the needs of the child, and the other is the needs of the mother. When the child is hungry or the mother's breasts are swollen, they can be fed at any time; The frequency and interval of breastfeeding are not limited. Many mothers have the habit of accumulating milk, with a 3-4 hour interval between each breastfeeding session, feeling that they have accumulated too much milk before feeding their children. In fact, a child's sucking is the best stimulation for a mother's lactation. Frequent and effective sucking can stimulate the secretion of prolactin and increase milk production. Breastfeeding on demand can meet the needs of a baby's growth and development at any time, reduce discomfort caused by breast swelling, and prevent the occurrence of mastitis; Accelerate uterine involution and reduce postpartum bleeding

Adequate sleep and a good mood can also promote milk secretion


In addition to the above factors, the diet and mood of breastfeeding mothers can also affect the secretion of breast milk. "We all know that we should drink more soup during lactation, especially chicken soup, fish soup and all kinds of Tonic Diet for lactation. In fact, the amount of water added by pregnant women is enough to meet the water loss of milk, and we must not only drink soup without meat, so that the nutrition of chicken and fish cannot be absorbed." Some foods have the effect of lactation, such as pig's foot soup, crucian carp soup, papaya, black sesame, etc., which can be properly selected. Maintaining sufficient sleep and a happy mood for mothers is also a necessary condition for milk secretion. The family must create good conditions for mothers, provide spiritual comfort and care, and ensure the success of breastfeeding

However, many mothers still experience insufficient breast milk. If the baby has poor weight gain, or if the baby urinates less than 6 times a day with thick urine color, or if the baby is not sleeping soundly and still hasn't eaten enough after 40 minutes of breastfeeding, it may be due to insufficient breast milk from the mother


There are many reasons for insufficient breast milk. In addition to the above points that need attention, traditional Chinese medicine believes that insufficient breast milk can be divided into two types: qi and blood deficiency type and liver stagnation type. Qi and blood deficiency type refers to having little or no breast milk after one week of delivery, with clear and thin breast milk, soft and painless breasts, dizziness, fatigue, weak appetite, loose stools, pale tongue, and little moss. Liver stagnation and qi stagnation type refers to postpartum milk with little or no astringency, thick milk, breast swelling and pain, chest, rib, stomach and epigastric distension and discomfort, or slight heat and restlessness, and loss of appetite. To prevent insufficient breast milk, traditional Chinese medicine can also be used for regulation. Different types of milk deficiency should be treated differently, and from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation. The treatment for weak qi and blood type is to replenish qi and nourish blood, accompanied by lactation. Liver Qi Stagnation Type: Discomfort of emotions, stagnation of liver qi, obstruction of qi flow, stagnation of milk vessels, resulting in the inability to produce milk and a lack of astringency. The treatment method is to soothe the liver and relieve depression, activate the collaterals and promote milk flow


Huayuan Chentai Yong Treasure Cream, promotes lactation and enhances breast milk production


Huayuan Chentai, adhering to the principle of comprehensive development, rapidly develops products that meet market demand based on the latest market trends. The various products developed cover the vast majority of health and beauty in the market, providing different mature products for major beauty salons, hospitals, pharmacies, Huizhou channels and other platforms. We can also provide one-stop services from production and processing, packaging design, product planning, etc. through OEM and OEM processing, so that you can sell without worry and have no worries throughout the process! We now have a customer base of over one million across more than 30 provinces and cities in China, as well as overseas. Each of our partner companies has achieved a performance improvement of over 60% to 200%


Wuhan Huayuan Chentai Health Biotechnology Co., Ltd

A one-stop service provider for special meals, providing professional OEM services such as special meal series paste processing, powder (solid beverage) processing, tablet (compressed candy) processing, etc. The cooperation mode is flexible and varied, and multiple services are available for selection


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